Eaves inspection faro arm 1

Our business operates a Customer Focused Culture. Eaves Machining and Fabrication (EMF) offers the highest standards of customer service coupled with expert craftsmanship. We have developed an outstanding reputation in the marketplace through our ability to react quickly and deliver on time without sacrificing performance, quality and safety.

We actively communicate our Customer Service Charter to all our stakeholders, in that;

  • We aim to respond to all customer enquiries within 72 hours, providing price and delivery date confirmation.
  • We manage our Resources through our Capacity Planning and scheduling software, to provide the fastest possible turnaround time for our customers without compromising on Quality and Safety.
  • We will not over-promise and under-deliver on projects where requested delivery expectations are not achievable. We understand the importance to your business in adhering or improving of your timescale expectations.
  • We are open and transparent with progress information, providing accurate and timely responses and periodic updates to ensure that the client is informed.
  • We understand that if things go-wrong, as they do from both sides of the client-supplier relationship, we are measured on how we react and respond to rectify the position in the clients’ best interests.

Our ability to offer competitive prices and unbeatable service is an illustration of our success in the marketplace and we are proud of the high percentage of loyal customers we have retained over the years.

Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)

We measure, develop and improve all areas of our business through Key Performance Indicators (KPI's).

KPI's are set, monitored and developed for every operational department within the business.

The KPI data is discussed morning team meetings and discussions throughout our business.