Eaves pylon patternIn the last quarter of 2014, Eaves successfully executed the supply of numerous Steel T-Pylon prototypes for a major UK infrastructure project.

Project MX-2301N included Pylon Tongie’s, Stabiliser’s and Node’s which, when assembled formed the latest generation of electricity pylons. The components were cast by Shakespeare Foundry and machined and delivered by Eaves, on-time, in full, and to the highest quality levels.

Following this success, in December 2014 Eaves were asked by the client to execute subsequent Pylon orders for parts that an alternate supplier had failed to deliver on-time and to the right quality. Eaves fast-track delivered the machining of these subsequent parts, to the clients delight.

With their in-house turnkey facilities, Eaves is an ideal supply partner for electricity infrastructure projects which require manufactured components delivered in accordance with a pre-agreed schedule and to the correct quality. For further information, please contact us.